George Garanian's. Basics of arrangement for pop and jazz music

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George Garanian is a legend of Soviet and Russian jazz. Musician, conductor, composer, he was one of the key figures during the birth and evolution of jazz in Russia. He knew how to create an orchestra from scratch. He loved all the elements of it, from writing arrangements to performing at concerts. George Garanian's knowledge of music was unparalleled thanks to the many years of his conducting career. He had created several famous ensembles and big bands and wrote many arrangements. His arrangements amaze us with imagination, harmony and beauty of the form. He knew how to hear, highlight and accentuate the best bits in music. His arrangements are full of life.
Garanian shares his experience in the best-selling textbook "Basics of arrangement for Pop and Jazz music". If you want to write a beautiful arrangement or highlight the characteristics of each instrument and the musicians' skills, you'll find all the answers in this book. It's simply not enough to have ideas. First of all, you need to know the capabilities of each instrument and each musician.
There are several chapters in the book: one on the rhythm section, one on the woodwind orchestra section, one on the woodwind sections in a jazz band; there's a chapter on the vocal section, on scores for a pop symphony orchestra, on how to work on the form. The second part of the book is dedicated to music and electronics: additional percussion instruments, the chronology of the most notable discoveries in electronic music and sound.
The book starts with a virtual tour into the history of sheet music and scores for ensembles and orchestras, and continues with highlighting the role of an arranger, whose name is placed on par with this of the composer. In the book's preface, the author notes that the arrangement for recording in the studio and that for a public performance can differ dramatically. It is the arrangement that determines the style, the form, and even the "colour" of a music piece. The arranger's "penmanship" gives the direction to the collective. Each chapter of the book is illustrated with examples of partitions.
George Garanian was a brilliant autodidact. He graduated as an engineer and mastered the music profession completely on his own. The 'education' part in his CV has only one entry: a 3-months long conductor's course. Perhaps it was the engineer's thinking that helped him create a textbook with a clear structure and an easy presentation. Many band leaders have learned how to arrange from George Garanian's textbook.
Catalogue Number : 60077
ISBN: ISBN 978-5-990221