Savenko Svetlana. The history of Russian music of the XX century. From Scriabin to Schnitke (in russian)
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This is a textbook on the history of Russian music of the 20th century, from the beginning of the century to the present day. The history of Russian music is presented in the book as a single process, without the traditional sharp division into periods before and after 1917.
The publication is intended for young people - teenagers who are interested in culture and art, but have no special musical training. The textbook can be used in high schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, in specialised secondary educational institutions of humanitarian profile, as well as in higher education institutions.
The publication is intended for young people - teenagers who are interested in culture and art, but have no special musical training. The textbook can be used in high schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, in specialised secondary educational institutions of humanitarian profile, as well as in higher education institutions.
Catalogue Number
: 16848
ISBN: 978-5-7140-1150-4
ISBN: 978-5-7140-1150-4